Tuesday 3 May 2016

How to deal with stress or a bad grade

We all know that being stressed or getting a bad mark is really frustrating and annoying, so I have put together these tips  to help next time in you're in this situation. Now these might not work for everyone but hopefully they do.

Step 1:
If you've received a bad mark or you're stressed, the first thing to do is try to work through it slowly. If it's a bad mark, going over your test and asking your teacher for feedback is the best way to feel better about it. If it's stress then maybe you want to think about what is making you stressed and then process why. Processing why it's making me stressed helps me get over it.

Step 2:
Now that you know what you've done wrong or what's making you stressed, it's time to learn how to stop it from happening next time. Say you've done really badly on a test or assignment and you didn’t study, now you know what to do next time. Studying when you've just started high school can be difficult for some - was for me. What really works for me is using Elliana's quizzes and quizlet sets (that she makes for most year 9 tests), but I know that these do not work for everyone and another way to study is to write/create your own flashcards so you learn it while you write/type it. For stress, different reasons have different coping methods. If it's a test, you can study for it, but if it is home/school life, your best way of tackling it is probably going to the counsellors. This can seem pretty scary or overwhelming but it is better off in the long run because they are experts in dealing with it.

Step 3:
Try different study techniques! Elli's made a previous blog post about different websites and organisers she uses to study and I thoroughly suggest you try these. Other options include quizlet, pollmaker.com, PowerPoint, quotev.com, reading over your workbook and just your simple handmade flashcards. Me and my friends have found these really useful. TIP: Don't over-study. The best way to do this is to ask your teacher roughly what topics are on the test - then thoroughly learn those topics but always at least re-read over the other stuff, just in case.

So I hope these have been helpful and if you have any other tips please email us (bcimiddleschoolblog@gmail.com)  or write a comment so we can add to the list. REMEMBER that you are in grade 7, 8 or 9 and your marks are important but they aren't the most important thing in the world, but it does help to have good study habits for when it does matter.

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