Thursday 19 May 2016

3 minute Pilates Routine

We’re all very busy. I mean, keeping up with what happed to CeCe on Pretty Little Liars is very exhausting. Also, Instagram is just so time consuming. But, it’s important to keep your fitness up, however, that doesn’t mean working out for an 2 hours every day. Simply doing a little bit every day or every second day is great. Here are just some of my 3 minute fitness routines:

Easy – Whole Body
Crane pose – 30 seconds

Standing forward bend  - 30 seconds

Wide angle seated pose – 30 seconds

Tree pose – 30 seconds

Camel pose – 30 seconds

Cobra pose – 30 seconds

Upper Body
Crunch – 30 seconds

Heel touch – 30 seconds

Plank – 1 minute

Twist – 1 minute

Lower Body
Toe raises – 20 seconds

Calf Raise – 20 seconds

Side split squat – 40 seconds

Pelvic raises – 40 seconds

Knee raises – 30 seconds

Wide angle seated pose – 30 seconds

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