Sunday 8 May 2016

Electives: HPE

Hi so now at least one post a week is going to be about an elective you can choose to do so you guys have a better understanding of what each post is. This post is about HPE and it is written by Jemma Bosch.

Hi all,
This term in H.P.E we are doing volleyball. This is fantastic sport which is heaps of fun. This sport is for anyone and here is a little bit about it if you are interested in doing this elective in year 9…
So far we have learnt how to dig, set, hit, serve. As well as team work skills and games, here are the skills so far.



Serving Underhand

We are learning a wide variety of skills. This subject is for everyone and is very educational.  I hope this may influence your subject choices for year 9 and 10. Throughout this term we are also learning about sports injuries and prevention which is very engaging. The assessments are a great learning curve which involves reports, letters, evaluations and creating multimodal presentations to help others learn. We look forward to a great year ahead doing touch and rhythmic gymnastics, after just finishing out lifesaving unit. You should choose H.P.E because it is fun, great for fitness and many useful skills are learnt. I hope this was a helpful little snippet of life in health and physical education. 

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