Tuesday 14 November 2017


Procrastination - the do's and don'ts

Procrastination can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. Tiding my room, homework, going for a walk and many other things are all subjects to my procrastination skills. I know that I always procrastinate by baking, reading, watching YouTube, going for a swim…the list goes on. But at the end of the day, you have to get it done. So to make things a bit easier, here are a few tips to get going!

Do: Write a list of all the things you need to get done starting from the most important to the least important.

Don't: Beware of the stress monster! Don't try and think about everything you need to get done at this very second. You WILL get it done!

Do: Listen to some relaxing music. Studies show that classical music stimulates the brain and helps you study and get motivated.

Don't: Blow things out of portion! Things are only as big as you make them!

Do: Take breaks. A quick walk or 5 minutes on your phone will help you stop stressing.

Don't: Place too much pressure on yourself to make it perfect. Nothing is going to be prefect. You can only start it, finish it and then check it, to make it better.

Do: Set time limits! Plan what you are going to do for 1 hour and then take a 5 minute break. It also helps if you plan out what tasks or assessments you need to get done each weekend.

I hope these tips help you to start your tasks and to stop procrastinating.  Let's get doing!

Signing off,
Olivia xx

What is Support?

What is support? – My story

What is support? And where does it come from? The English dictionary states that support is to bear all or part of the weight, or to give assistance to another. However, I believe that support is much more than a few insignificant words.  It is friendship, community, family and overall love for each another. Support can come in all shapes and forms: a hug from a friend, an encouraging word from a teacher, help with homework from your parents, some helpful advice from your siblings, it all helps you overcome challenges in your everyday life. Yet, when the struggles threaten your wellbeing or your family’s, support is crucial. Disease, cancer, stress, mental illnesses, debt, natural disasters and so on batter each and every one of us throughout our lives.

And I would know first-hand what it feels like. Around Christmas last year, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was and still is a fit, healthy woman who does not smoke, drink or have any relatives who had breast cancer. My mother was as far away from having breast cancer as you can get. At first, I was angry and frustrated. Women like my mother do not get breast cancer, she statistically had the lowest risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia. But, even though I would love to magically “fix” my mother it is simply impossible. As the tumours were quite large and had a high risk of spreading, my mother went straight into surgery to have her left breast removed just a week and a half after the diagnosis. For the next months, my mother went through many bouts of chemotherapy, radiation treatment and hormone therapy along with the effects of losing her hair, her strength, her energy and so much more.

Through all this, I felt that I had to be strong for my siblings, for my father and for myself. I tried to become the rock I needed, to hold onto my own struggles and to overcome them by myself. Eventually I cracked. I was so physically and mentally drained that my grades dropped, I stopped talking to my friends, my self-esteem plummeted and I had had enough. Throughout all my life I have had many people to turn to for support, however in this time I didn’t want to burden others with my so-called whining and therefore I didn’t ask for help when I really needed it.
Overall the moral of my journey is that you can ask for help and therefore it means that you don’t have to be alone - trust me it is so much harder to work through the pain by yourself rather than with others who care for and support you. If you need support through any of your struggles, the Brigidine community is open. Peer mentors, the wonderful counsellors, your pastoral leaders, your homeroom teachers, your big sisters, your friends, the list goes on are all there for you to lean on. Before I leave, I just want you to think about this: “Sometimes it’s OK if the only thing you did today is breathe.” – Yumi Sakugawa

If you are struggling with something, here are a few websites to visit:
  1. Headspace
  2. Youth Beyond Blue
  3. Teen Mental Health
  4. Bite Back
  5. Reach Out
Signing off,

Olivia xx

Monday 23 October 2017

Student Environmental Leadership Network (SELN)

This year Lilya Boundy and I were selected to be the Student Environmental Leadership Network (SELN) representatives for Brigidine. This program offers schools the opportunity to get involved within their school community and improve their ecological footprint. We were required to attend the meetings held at the State library. At every meeting, we discussed ideas and collaborated with other schools to devise solutions to environmental issues within our community. Throughout the year we were given opportunities to learn valuable leadership skills, go on excursions and meet lots of new people.
After our first meeting we had a lot of work to do. We have created an environmental group and devised a plan on what we could do to improve sustainability at Brigidine. We have decided that introducing recycling into our school would be a great start in Brigidine’s journey to becoming more sustainable.
Consequently, we have experienced lots of ups and downs, and at times it became quite overwhelming as we were given new responsibilities which we had to independently fulfil. However, we have managed to present our recycling proposal to Mr Cahill, and received the approval we needed. We are currently trialling the implementation of recycling within the college, and we hope that our project will continue to grow and improve Brigidine's environmental sustainability.
Overall, our experience with SELN has taught us that no matter how small or insignificant we think we are, we all have the potential, to be leaders, to inspire others and to make a difference. 

Written by Vy Dinh 

Saturday 14 October 2017

Achieving Your Goals

What are you biggest goals and dreams? If you could abandon the very thing you were doing at this exact moment, would you? Would the intensity and longing to achieve your lifelong aspiration drive you to do something unconventional or against your usual way of life? Realizing a goal, dream or achievement can be a chaotic combination of excitement, eagerness and confusion; YES! Confusion! Having a dream or desire can be one of the most difficult and confounded things that you may experience throughout your life and it can evolve to become something that is highly daunting to merely think about; how do I achieve my goal? What do I have to do? Where do I start?  When you begin to inform others about your ambition or future objective, it is almost habitual to start to endure the pressure that accompanies achieving your dream. You start to question your capability and control over your own life and whether your individualistic expectations are too unreasonable or perverse to attain.

It is completely normal to feel this way. It is acceptable that reaching your goal or working to make your dream a reality can be the most positive, yet stressful, pressurizing and demanding time of your life. Making a life decision is difficult and uncertainty can envelope you and progress into something that is increasingly challenging to manage. ATTEMPT TO AVOID THIS! Even though these feelings are logical and reasoned, self-inflicted constraint and tension can conflict your ability to process your thoughts clearly and rationally. Your dreams are always closer than they seem, but hard work and self-motivation, belief, perseverance, passion and determination are all involved in obtaining what you desire the most; no one achieves any less than they need or deserve if they have worked hard to receive it.
Correlatingly, as much adversity and obstacle that you may withstand against during your lifetime, achieving your goal, dream or long-desired achievement is something that should be influenced personally; no one should possess the authority to impact your decisions in life regarding where you envision yourself in the future. YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF YOURSELF AND YOUR DREAMS! If you truly want something for yourself, there are no limitations or bordering forces that should cease your endeavour for securing or accomplishing something that you have always wanted. Stay committed to your dream, because if you do, the result will turn out in ways that you may not have thought about, and it can direct your life to a new, refreshing pathway that can benefit you greatly.


Written by Skye Nugent. 

4 Books You Have to Read!!!

There are a great variety of enjoyable, romantic, cunning and reputable novels that express a certain interest in many differentiating genres. Books provide a great release for those who are in need of a creative license or remedy for an apathetic attitude. The stories that we read reflect how our personal taste imitates the things in which we enjoy each day. We are able to experience a new world, perspective and characters that alter our perception of specific events or procedures. The books we have listed below showcase these features of reading;

The Trap - Melanie Raabe
This novel is a highly rewarding, complicated read that highlights a particular sense of distorted reality due to an overcrowded presence of anxiety and paranoia. ‘The Trap’ showcases the story of Linda , who struggles to interpret the intensity of her sister’s death, even after years of reflection and speculation of her killer. Through her occupation as an author, Linda experiences a change of heart and decides to write a crime novel based on her sister’s murder. As the novel progresses, Linda obsession with catching the killer turns into a powerful drive and habit. She becomes engrossed in the trap that she is carefully placing down, hoping to finally conclude her desperate fight to decline her constant sense of mania and delusion. But what Linda doesn’t know is that the man who killed her sister might be closer than she cares to believe.

Shift - Hugh Howey
‘Shift’ showcases the life of Olive, a self-reliant and autonomous character that claims that she doesn’t “need a life-saver boyfriend” to lead the most independent life that she can. Whilst suffering bouts of depression and anxiety, Olive learns to believe that her supposed ‘best friend’ is not what she thought and progresses to associate with a crowd that condones the type of life that she never assumed she wanted. As Olive’s sense of morale declines, she is faced with a heartbreaking realisation, but never fails to justify to herself that she doesn’t need help from anyone. Hence the title of the novel, Olive’s life is completely changed and as her relationship with the Queen B Miranda becomes twisted and cruel, she struggles to climb out of the dark hole that she has dug for herself. Through the progression and evolvement of her character, Olive learns that truly trusting your acquired sense of eccentricity and intuition can take you further than any rumour, gossip or uneducated lie will ever lead.

A thousand splendid suns - Khaled Hosseini
This confronting and emotionally demanding novel demonstrates a particular exploitation in the life Afghanistan and the corruption regarding the arranged marriage system. The novel begins with the life of Maryam, a young Afghani girl who was the so called ‘resented’ product of a powerful courtier and lowly house maid. As Maryam and her mother live in a deprived slum, her father dwells in a gorgeous estate near the city. She eagerly awaits her father’s weekly visits and therefore desires his company, informing her mother of her increased craving to live with her father on his domain. A destroying heartbreak sends Maryam to her father by the means of custody and obligation instead of longing and celebration of a fresh start. As her father’s many wives grow tired of Maryam’s presence, she is sent to live with Rasheed, who is 30 years her senior. As Maryam experiences a journey of self-discovery and true discomfort with her life, she learns to understand the importance of friendship, sacrifice and love.

And the Mountains echoed - Khaled Hosseini

Similar to A Thousand Splendid Suns, this novel is set in Afghanistan, recounting the lives of many that reside there. Khaled Hosseini has written a story about how we love, how we take care of one another, and how the choices we make resonate through generations. As the story progresses, the characters explore how families can betray, nurture, honour and sacrifice for those that they love. This emotionally gripping novel expresses a sense of love and ambition for the future. 

Written by Skye Nugent. 

The Importance of Music

Whether you’re an aspiring triple threat, to someone who sings in the shower, you are improving your health. Music benefits so much more than people could even put their minds to!

Music is:
  • Physical:
    Whilst not being as physical as most activities, can be described and thought of as sport. The way many learn to sing and keep timings and rhythms, builds coordination in the human body. A healthy body is also developed through the strategic  breaths that is taught and constructed when playing an instrument that requires air such as trumpets, clarinets, flutes and saxophones.
  • Emotional:
    Music is an art form. Through songs and melody's we can express our feelings and inner thoughts as well as telling a story and powerful  through our musical notes and lyrics.
  • Academic:
    Music has been found to train brains into a higher order thinking. Tests taken on California, America show that that second graders that receive music lessons scored 27% higher on their marks in proportional maths and fractions tests then children who don't receive any music lessons. Research also has proven that musical training permanently triggers a young mind for enhanced performance.
  • Life:
    Music is a pure gift that each child will receive. Some will have talents in singing, others in musical instruments and then again, there will be some in dancing to music- feeling the music and rhythms.
Music, for some is therapy- for most, it is an expression of their feelings at the time. Whether they can dance to the beat, sing in tune or they remember all the lyrics- music becomes a gateway for many to have fun and it is an outlet for all to groove and shout out those choruses. 

Music is a global language! Many are lucky enough to learn and pursue careers in the domain of music and others are fortunate enough to listen to the marvellous developments of the music industry!

May we all grow to appreciate the importance of music. It is important for our own selves in physical, emotional, academic and life aspects. It is also a global phenomenon which has lasted through centuries! Enjoy music, contribute to music and embrace music in all styles! 

Written by Jess Parcell. 

Lemon Chicken Recipe

                                         Lemon chicken (for 4 people approx) 

- rice
- Chicken breasts (3) 
- Pesto (1/2 to 3/4 of a jar of 190g)
- Lemon (1 to 1 1/2 depending on taste)
- Garlic (1 to 2 cloves) 
- Oil (1 tablespoon of olive oil) 
- Salt and pepper to taste 

1. Put rice onto cook.
2.  Dice the chicken and place it into a frying pan. 
3. Add to the pesto, olive oil and crushed garlic. 
4. Cook until chicken is cooked through and make sure you are stirring occasionally. 
5. Add salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste. 
6. Once you are happy with the taste, serve the rice into bowls of 4. 
7. Place the lemon chicken onto the rice

Enjoy your meal!

Written By Georgina Angus-Hellyer 

Middle School Leaders

Middle School is a particular part of schooling which doesn't offer you as many leadership roles or beneficial ways to take charge. But as many Grade 8's transition to Year 9 in 2018 I highly recommend that you go for the role of 'Middle School Leader'.
Hi Everyone, my name is Abbey Cook and I am one of the Chanel Middle School Leaders for 2017, and it is a role which I feel extremely privileged to have. In Year 9, each semester you get the opportunity to send in a message to the Saint Brigid's Office explaining why you would love to be a Brigidine Middle School Leader. There is then a voting system where you are able to pick, in your house groups, who you would like to be The Middle School Leaders of your house. It is a role which enables you to help out the coordinators of your house and more importantly get to know the younger students of the school. It is always a lot of fun, especially because it gives so many girls the opportunity to learn leadership values as they prepare for the senior school. This role is swapped each term for each house, giving many girls the opportunity to step up to the role. Not only do I want to inform you to go for this incredible schooling role, but I want you to know that The Middle School Leaders of your house are here to help you! Whether you're having a bad day or just need someone to talk, to we are happy to help! It is understandable that talking to the older students may be out of your comfort zones, but hopefully you knowing that the Middle School Leaders are there, who are closer to your age and will make it easier to chat to someone! I honestly can't recommend this role any higher! It has already given me so many opportunities to get involved and have a totally new outlook on school. It supplies opportunities in the form of excursions and meetings to chat and discuss ideas with your fellow leaders. I truly hope that you will consider going for the role of Middle School Leader as it is an experience which you won't regret and you get to have so much fun with! Don't be afraid to come and chat or say hi to your Middle School Leaders when you see us, because we would love to get to know you all. 

Written by Abbey Cook. 

Thursday 31 August 2017

Making New Friends

Making new friends is pretty much the goal for everyone during high school. Whether you're just starting out at Brigidine in Year 7 or you're new or you're at the end of the road in Year 12, having friends is such an important aspect of school. We see the same faces every day for six years and having people who you know will be there for you to chat or just to say hi, makes all the difference.

Everyone has some type of struggle through high school or the 'teen years' and having a group or just one person you know will stand by you through thick and thin, can make you feel so much more comfortable around school. If things go a bit pear shaped with your friends, there is always someone waiting to get to know you.

When you're making new friends, you don't need to impress anyone or change who you are. Being yourself is how you find the people who will be a real friend to you. If they are a person who will be beneficial in your life, they will accept and love you for the amazing person you are.

It is important to remember that friends come and go, as scary and sad it can seem it's just how our world works! People change and you never know what will happen. Don't let this scare you when you make new friends though, jump into the unknown and have a good time with good people. Also cherish the relationships you have now because memories are really the only things that will never leave you. At the end of the day, friends may come and go but the fun times you share can never be forgotten.

Finding new people to hang out with is a thing where it is totally up to you who you invest your own time and effort in. Be picky, it's your decision and that is to be respected. If you feel uncomfortable for any reason in a friendship, it is okay to ask someone you trust for help. It should not be a chore!

When you find your friends or make new ones, it is one of the best feelings knowing you've got buddies who you connect with and that you've let into your own little world.

I hope you have gained something from this and if you're looking for new friends, good luck and have fun!

Written by Eliza Hansen. 

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Maker Space - Prosthetic Hand Challenge

Hello Girls!
As you may already know, Maker Space has become a great success throughout the Middle School this term, and we would like to update you with some of the interesting activities in which they have conducted so far.

Recently, the Maker Space Team introduced the Prosthetic Hand Challenge, in which those involved competed in an interactive, stimulating and innovative environment, which was, of course, great fun!

As a reminder for all Middle School girls, Maker Space is a great opportunity to not only put kinesthetic learning and creativity to the test, but to thrive in social activities that develop communication, resourcefulness and inventiveness.

We hope that you will all be able to pay the Maker Space, which is located in the library, a visit over the coming weeks!

Thursday 10 August 2017

Brownie Recipe

Guess what! We have not one, but TWO amazing brownie recipes that will are an absolute treat!

Chocolate Brownie

This chocolate brownie recipe serves 10 people and tastes AMAZING


12cup vegetable oil

1cup sugar

1teaspoon vanilla

2large eggs

14teaspoon baking powder

13cup cocoa powder

14teaspoon salt

12cup flour


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Mix oil and sugar until well blended.
  3. Add eggs and vanilla; stir just until blended.
  4. Mix all dry ingredients in a separate bowl.
  5. Stir dry ingredients into the oil/sugar mixture.
  6. Pour into greased 9 x 9 square pan.
  7. Bake for 20 minutes or until sides just start to pull away from the pan.
  8. Cool completely before cutting.
  9. Note: I usually double the recipe and bake in a 9 x 13 pan. If you double the recipe, you will need to cook longer than 20 minutes.

For more recipes like this, go to  <http://www.food.com/recipe/the-best-brownies-54225#activity-feed>

Blondie (white chocolate brownie)


  • 1/2 cup (1 stick, 112 g) of butter, melted
  • 1 cup (220 g) of tightly packed dark brown sugar
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 cup (128 g)  of all-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup (60 g) of butterscotch chips (chopped walnuts and chocolate chips are equally tasty)


  1.  Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Lightly butter and flour an 8X8-inch  pan (20 cm x 20 cm). Whisk together the melted butter and sugar in a bowl.
  2.  Add the egg and vanilla extract and whisk.
  3.  Add the flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt, mix it all together. Add the butterscotch chips or other mix-ins.
  4.  Pour into the pan and spread evenly. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until a tester inserted into the centre comes out clean. Allow to cool. Cut into squares or rectangles and serve.

Written by Jessica Parcell.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Brisbane's Best Hidden Gems

If there is one thing I love to do in my spare time, it's SHOP. And Eat. And listen to music. And read. Well, I like a lot of things, but that's beside the point.

For me, one of the most exciting things about shopping is finding new and awesome places that may have been hiding right under your nose. I love those weekends and holidays discovering new cafes and browsing shops and fashion with my friends and family. So, I've made a list of some of my favourite hidden gems for you to discover too. There's something for everyone, so enjoy!

For the ice-cream lover: Lick! Ice cream, Graceville
If you can ever find a more creamy ice-cream, I would be very surprised. This little ice-creamery on Graceville road makes everything in store, fresh every day. My personal favourite flavours are the ginger-bread ice-cream and the (dairy-free!) cocoa sorbet. If you're not in the ice-cream mood, try their weird but very very good donut and waffle hybrid, doffles.

For the fashion lover: SWOP clothing exchange, West End
This is the absolute BEST vintage shop around, and the coolest. SWOP clothing exchange works by people bringing in their second-hand clothes, of which a very select few get put in the shop. The result? The coolest collection of strictly vintage-style pieces that can make any wardrobe 100000x better. Simply head in and browse around, or, if you want some extra cash, clear out your wardrobe and see if any of your old clothes take their interest. You can make some money, or earn store credit to spend in-store!

For the book lover: Archive books, Brisbane CBD
Stepping into Archive books is like stepping into another world. You can instantly smell that amazing old-book-smell and it's easy to get lost in the high wooden shelves full of millions of books. Archive is a great oasis from the city around it. I love curling up with a book written decades, sometimes centuries, ago in a corner of the store. Pure heaven.

For the café lover: The Three Monkeys, West End
The Three Monkeys takes homely food to a whole new level. Walk through the door to the front counter, and then look through the many rooms of the café to find your perfect table. My favourite way to do it is to walk all the way through to the gorgeous garden space full of hanging plants. Pair that with their hand-made apple pie and bowl-sized chai latte, and it's comfort food at its finest.

For the chocolate lover: Noosa Chocolatier, Brisbane CBD
Chocolate. Need I say more? This café and chocolatier only has the finest chocolate in every flavour imaginable. Grab a paper bag and fill it with as much of as many flavours as you want, and pay by the weight. Or, if you're feeling extra indulgent, get one of their signature hot chocolates. So go in, smell the amazing aroma, and pig out. Be prepared to wait in line though.

Honourable mentions:
- OneGirlStudio, Graceville: All my interior design dreams, fulfilled.
- Avid Reader, West End: This book shop has every book you could ever need or want. And it's also an awesome café.
- The Single Guys, Kenmore: Great music, aesthetically pleasing interior and the BEST food, this is a hipster café at their absolute finest.
- Bakery Lane, The Valley: A literally hidden lane with an amazing café, a vintage music shop, fashion boutiques, and brownies to die for.
- Aesop, Indooroopilly Shopping Centre and Brisbane CBD: This skin and haircare brand has stunningly styled shops and pamper-worthy products. Head in and dream about silky soft hair and smooth skin.
- Any thrift shop, anywhere: Thrift shops are the best place ever to find a bargain, and you're supporting a charity while you're at it. Prepare for some hard-core rummaging fun.

I hope I've inspired you to discover new places of your own! Happy shopping, and happy discovering!

Written by Piper Frederickson. 

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Maker Space!

Hi girls!

This is Eve Gaffney and Grace Hiley and we are in grade nine. This week we are starting up a club in the Library called 'Maker Space'. Maker Space is a place where Middle school students can come on Thursday lunch times, to have fun making and building things in activities.

It is a chance to make friends and let your imagination run wild. Come and join the fun! It starts on Thursday 20th July at Lunch time in the Library. 

Thank you!

Written by Eve Gaffney and Grace Hiley. 

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Class Courtesy

As a student, you want to learn, thrive and feel appreciated within a classroom. This starts with classroom courtesy.

To be an avid student who answers questions, involves themselves in classroom discussions and who tries their best in EVERY subject, you have to respect those who surround you; their opinions, their work ethic and their will to learn. Also, appreciating your teacher's teaching style, their work ethic and the sacrifices they make daily to teach, will make you more aware of the hard work that goes into your education.

Every student has a favourite subject, and you are normally going to behave and achieve higher in this subject as you feel confident. But why limit your abilities to just one? Why not transfer your energy to the subject that you dislike the most? Limiting yourself in a classroom only affects YOU. Studies have shown that students who work effectively and confidently in classrooms are flexible and strong in social aspects, making them in control of their surroundings and how they handle situations.

As a student, you are required to respect teachers. However, teachers also make mistakes - they are human too! The least you can do in a classroom is to avidly listen and use the information that you are given to your benefit. Basically, teachers notice the students who actively try and those who don’t.

Here are some simple classroom courtesy tips!
  • Arrive to your lesson on time
  • Turn off your mobile phone
  • Contribute to classroom discussion when appropriate
  • Address your teacher correctly
  • Email your teacher when you are absent
  • Try to avoid constantly talking to your classmates
  • Be attentive

Written by Lily Nugent. 

Friday 19 May 2017

Next In Line

On behalf of Liyah Seeto, a year 9 student in Foley house, the Middle School Blog Team would like to congratulate her on her recent business endeavours. Liyah has created a business called 'Next In Line' that addresses general health and well-being and promotes the use of Essential Oils throughout various teenage audiences. We all hope that everyone, particularly in the Middle School, will be able to acknowledge the dedication and courage that is required to be involved in a feat such as this, and we encourage every person reading this article to become involved in supporting Liyah in any way they can.

"I hope to be able to share the knowledge I have gained so far with parents, teachers and teenagers. As the upcoming generation to be "Next In Line" to protect our planet and environment, I hope to carry this message to my peers and show how we can start using healthier, more natural and environmentally friendly products - products that have no toxins or harmful chemicals."

Through 'Next in Line', Liyah brings attention to the fact that if the younger generations of our society are able to recognize the power and importance that health has now, then the results for the future will be unimaginable.

"Next In Line is the new era in health, beauty and environment."

In order to successfully advocate her business, Liyah is facilitating a workshop to showcase not only the benefits in which her product will provide, but to ensure that her message becomes widespread within the Brigidine Community.

Good Job Liyah; we are all very proud of you!

Written by Skye Nugent with quotations from Liyah Seeto.

Saturday 13 May 2017

Mental Health

If you didn't know already, May is Mental Health Month. So, to help raise awareness, here are some things we can all do to stay mentally healthy!
It is often said that staying fit and eating well is the main key to being happy and coping with stress. This is true, but what about our mental health? Mental health does not seem to be talked about as much as our physical health, which is understandable as it is not easy to grasp the concept of something that cannot even be seen. But why do so many people not talk about it? Simple. They don't know much about it or they haven't had any personal experiences with mental health problems. However, it is not something to fear. Mental health is a person's wellbeing or cognitive health. In simpler terms, it is if your brain is happy or not! I'm not going to go into serious detail in regards to mental illnesses but I just want to spread the importance of keeping a good state of mind and some ways in which you can do it!

First off, having good mental health is crucial for every age but most importantly, adolescence. This is a time when the brain changes and probably more noticeably, our moods.. I should also note that it is difficult to maintain a constant happy state of mind amongst all these changes, so don't stress if you feel as though you are all over the place! It is totally understandable and 100% normal.

You may be wondering what is more important; physical health or mental health? The truth is that they work together. By doing physical activity or a sport you enjoy with your friends, you are improving your mental health. If you are taking time out of your day to do some yoga to help calm your mind, then you are improving your physical health too! But overall, you should put your mental health first as it affects all aspects of your life and can help you live your life to the fullest.
Tips and tricks to improve your mental health:
  • Treat yourself - this one might need a bit explaining. I don’t mean buy yourself a massive block of chocolate everyday just to 'treat yourself'. I mean set aside some time to just chill. Obviously it is important to get all your study and homework out of the way first, but make sure you have half an hour or so before bed to just read a book, have a bath, draw, or do anything else that you enjoy doing. If you do this every day, you will be more relaxed and feel much more happier for the rest of your day.
  • Try to treat yourself just as well as you treats your pals - we want the best for our friends, we try and make sure they feel good about themselves and we support and encourage them when we can. Make sure you don’t forget about being kind to yourself too. Don't put yourself down to fit in. Embrace your flaws and use your strengths to your advantage. Encourage yourself and do what makes you happy.
  • Surround yourself with people who make you happy - this one is super important. If you spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself, this will be extremely beneficial to your mental health. If you surround yourself with people who make you feel bad about yourself, point out your flaws or make you feel alone in a crowd, this could be detrimental to you mental health. Motivational speaker and entrepreneur, Jim Rohn once said "You are the average of the five people you spend time with".

There are so many more things you can do to improve your mental health. Eat healthy, listen to funky tunes, play with a dog or anything that makes you happy! (and is safe/legal!)

Written by Laura McKinnon. 

Friday 5 May 2017

Instrumental Opportunities at Brigidine

The Instrumental program at Brigidine is a great cocurricular activity to be a part of. You can learn something brand new or pick up where you left off. Some areas you can join include:
  • Concert Band
  • Reed Ensemble (Woodwind Ensemble)
  • Percussion Ensemble
  • String Ensemble

You might have noticed the instrumental activities being promoted more and more this year. This is because it is an awesome and crazy fun group!
Basically, you can have lessons with the lovely instrumental teachers, learn outside of school or just show up and jam out. If you are interested, you can also take part in exams where you play your instrument, a little bit of singing and get marked on some theory. But don't worry if that sounds absolutely terrifying, it's optional!

There are numerous groups to be a part of and if you can't make one, chances are there is one really similar. Just for example, if you can't make it on Friday mornings for percussion ensemble, hit up concert band on a Thursday afternoon!
In the instrumental program, we go to various competitions with other schools and we always have a whole lot of fun. 

If you are unsure on what instruments are available for hire or to learn at Brigidine, here are a few:
  • Piano
  • Guitar
  • Flute
  • Clarinet / Bass Clarinet
  • Saxophone / Tenor Saxophone
  • Trumpet
  • Trombone
  • Euphonium
  • French Horn
  • Violin
  • Cello
  • Percussion
  • And if there is anything you are unsure of, don't be afraid to email any of the instrumental teachers.

I hope you found this helpful and even if only one person who reads this found a new interest, that's my job done!

Written by Eliza Hansen

Monday 27 March 2017

Holiday Time!


Thank you for being a part of our blog journey so far! Make sure you check in during the holidays for more articles. Enjoy your holidays, stay safe and we will see you next term! 
Thank you, 
The Middle School Blog Team.

Friendships in High School

Throughout high school, many people are going to cross your path - some that you connect with and others that you don’t. Friends are going to unfortunately come and go and while this can be frustrating, that’s the reality. Personally, I am a big believer in 'everything happens for a reason.' Although it may take many to understand, it seems to reflect whatever situation that you are going through at a present time. Remember to always be the bigger person, to hold your tongue and to smile and wave. People are going to remember YOU for being the girl or boy who decided to smile at them one day or hold open the door. While these are little things, they can make an MASSIVE impact to someone's day.

Following onto the concept of friendship, make sure you surround yourself with people that make you happy. Find friends who are kind, considerate and passionate about the friendship that they have with you. Don’t ever let anyone treat you as a second option. Be loyal, kind and funny and try to see the bright side in every situation that you experience with your friends. Unfortunately, the reality of life is that friendships can break down. And sometimes it happens naturally and that’s okay. You have to understand and accept that people change and they have every right to be who they are. It is also okay for you to be confused and a little upset about this. It is also okay to be disappointed that a person turned into someone they never said they would be. It is hard to realise that something that held a special place in your heart is breaking in front of your eyes. But, if someone is deliberately trying to hurt you in any way, that is not acceptable. From personal experiences, it can be hard to register that you have a voice and an opinion and you have every right to voice it - while being calm and collected about the situation that is unfolding.

Gossiping and rumours are old. I believe it is time to empower each other and stand for people that make you ,YOU. It's time to make up for the mistakes, try your hardest and be who you are. People should love you for YOU!

 “We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future.”

Written By Lily Nugent. 

Top 10 reads of 2016-2017

We Were Liars - E. Lockhart                                  
 Short description: A beautiful and distinguished family. A private island.               
A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy.                       
A group of four friends – the Liars – whose friendship turns destructive.               
A revolution. An accident. A secret.                               
Lies upon lies.                                           
True love.                                           
The truth.

Girl Online - Zoella                                      
 Short description: Under the alias Girl Online, Penny blogs her hidden feelings about    friendship, boys, her crazy family and the panic attacks that have begun to take over her life.    When things go from bad to worse, her family whisks her away to New York, where she    meets Noah; a gorgeous, guitar-strumming American. Suddenly Penny is falling in love – and    capturing every moment of it on her blog.                                                                           
But Noah has a secret too. One that threatens to ruin Penny’s cover – and her closest    friendship – forever.

Girl Online: On Tour – Zoella                                   
Short description: When Noah invites Penny on his European music tour, she can’t wait to    spend time with her rock-god-tastic boyfriend. But, between Noah’s jam-packed schedule    less-than-welcoming bandmates and threatening messages from jealous fans, Penny    wonders whether she’s cut out for life on tour. She can’t help but miss her family, her best    friend Elliot … and her blog, Girl Online.

Can Penny learn to balance life and love on the road, or will she lose everything in pursuit of the perfect summer?

Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen                               
Short Description: When Jacob Jankowski, recently orphaned and suddenly adrift, jumps    onto a passing train, he enters a world of freaks, swindlers and misfits in a second-rate circus struggling to survive.

A veterinary student who almost earned his degree, Jacob is put in charge of caring for the    circus menagerie. It is there that Jacob meets Marlena, the beautiful equestrienne who is    married to August, a charismatic but violently unpredictable animal trainer. Jacob also meets    Rosie, an elephant who seems unmanageable until he discovers an unusual way to reach    her.

A Thousand Pieces of You - Claudia Gray                               
Short description: As the daughter of two brilliant physicists, Marguerite Caine grew up surrounded by wild scientific theories, always encouraged to imagine the improbable or even the impossible. But when her father is murdered, Marguerite’s life is turned upside down. All the evidence points to one person – Paul, her parents handsome, enigmatic    protégé. Before the law can touch him, though, Paul uses Marguerite’s mother’s latest invention – a device called the Firebird, which allows people to leap into alternate dimensions – to escape.

With the help of another physics student, Theo, Marguerite chases Paul through various dimensions, determined to avenge her father. Her parents theorized that people who have met in one reality will be likely to meet in another… that key moments will happen over and over, in different ways. But when Marguerite leaps into each new world, she meets another version of Paul that has her doubting his guilt and questioning her heart. Before long she realises that what happened to her father may be more complex, and more sinister, than she ever dreamed. Marguerite is swept into an epic love affair that feels both dangerous and inevitable.

Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins                                   
Short description: In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. The Capitol is harsh and cruel and keeps the districts in line by forcing them all to send one boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen to participate in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV. Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen regards it as a death sentence when he steps forward to take her sister’s place in the Games. But Katniss has been close to death before – and survival, for her is second nature. Without meaning to, she becomes a contender. But I she is to win; she must start making choices that weigh survival against humanity and life against love.

Paper towns - John Green                                   
Short description: Quentin Jacobsen has spent a lifetime loving the magnificent Margo Roth Spiegelman from afar. So, when she cracks open a window and climbs back into his life summoning him for an ingenious campaign of revenge – he follows. When their all-nighter ends and a new day breaks, Margo has disappeared. But Quentin soon learns that there are clues and they’re for him. Embarking on an exhilarating adventure to find her, the closer Quentin gets, the less he sees the girl he thought he knew.

Wonder - R.J. Palacio                                       
Short description: My name is August                               
I won’t describe what I look like                              
 Whatever your thinking                                       
It’s probably worse

If I Stay - Gayle Forman                                      
 Short description: Mia is a very gifted cellist. She has everything she could ever want, a loving family, an adoring boyfriend, an amazing best friend, and an amazing career ahead of her in music. All that changes suddenly. Mia and her family have a terrible car accident and Mia is rushed to the ICU. Mia is caught between life and death, and watches as family and friends come to visit her at the hospital she is in. Soon Mia realizes that she must make the most critical decision of her life - wake up to live a life more difficult than she ever could have imagined, or slip away and die.

Where She Went - Gayle Forman                               
Short description: It’s been three years since the devastating accident … three years since    Mia walked out of Adam’s life forever.

Now living on opposite coasts, Mia is Julliard’s rising star and Adam is LA tabloid fodder, thanks to his new rock star status and celebrity girlfriend. When Adam gets stuck in New York by himself, chance brings the couple together again, for one last night. As they explore the city that has become Mia’s home, Adam and Mia revisit the past and open their hearts to the future—and each other.

Written By Lucy Rolph.

Grade 8 highlights 2016

Throughout grade eight, we enjoyed some spectacular times as a cohort. Last year we  learnt to develop and evolve our independence and sense of Brigidine through a variety of learning experiences and challenges. These experiences assisted us in becoming a coherent whole, allowing us to grow closer and learn the values of expression and friendship as well as identifying our own presence of mind and personality in everything we do. Over the course of the year, we enjoyed many experiences that left us smiling. Some of these include:
Shake & Stir – A theatre group that helped to ease the understanding of Shakespeare, performing a modernized version of A Midsummer Night’s dream. 
Grade eight Retreat – High resolves and the Butterfly effect helped us to understand the importance of self-love and social justice.
Medieval Europe incursion – Where we learnt about how people in 5th – 15th century lived their day to day lives.

These experiences helped us to grow as young women and truly understand the importance of learning, self-love and social justice. We will definitely take these lessons and use them in our future years at Brigidine. 
Written by Emily Dewar. 

TV Shows and Netflix


Top Television Shows
It's always great to turn the television on and your favourite show is on! SO we've decided to share with you some of our favourites:
  1. Modern Family
  2. The Goldberg's
  3. The Office
  4. New Girl
  5. Freaks and Geeks

Reality Shows
Who doesn't love a good laugh or a debate about reality television. It's always a great way to be watching some reality television-here are a few that you might like:
  1. The Bachelor/Bachelorette
  2. America's/Australia's Next Top Model
  3. The Voice
  4. The X Factor
  5. Australia's/America's Got Talent
  6. Shark Tank
  7. So You Think You Can Dance
  8. Dance Moms
  9. Toddlers and Tiara's
  10. Dancing with the Stars
Tear Jerkers
Sappy, heart break movies are great little pleasures to indulge your feelings in. Quick, grab a tissue box-we have some legendary tear jerkers for 'those kind of days'
  1. Titanic
  2. Forrest Gump
  3. The Last Song
  4. The Notebook
  5. Dear John
  6. I am Sam
  7. Bridge to Terabithia
  8. Marley and Me
  9. Love Story
  10. Red Dog

For the Juniors
Ever found Babysitting or looking after your younger siblings? Well, we have the perfect handpicked selection of shows and movies for the littlies to enjoy!
  1. Play School
  2. Jake and the Neverland Pirate
  3. Doc Mcstuffins
  4. Sofia the first
  5. Mary Poppins
  6. Despicable Me
  7. Alice in Wonderland
  8. Disney Princess Movies
  9. Anne of Green Gables
  10. SpongeBob SquarePants

If you love a good hopeless romantic movie, we've got you covered!
  1. 27 Dresses
  2. The Holiday
  3. My Best Friend's Wedding
  4. Strictly Ballroom
  5. 13 going on 30

Netflix Only
For those who have Netflix- these are a must see
  1. Full House
  2. Fuller House
  3. The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
  4. Stranger Things

Thanks For Reading!
Enjoy Watching!

Written By Jessica Parcell.