Thursday 31 August 2017

Making New Friends

Making new friends is pretty much the goal for everyone during high school. Whether you're just starting out at Brigidine in Year 7 or you're new or you're at the end of the road in Year 12, having friends is such an important aspect of school. We see the same faces every day for six years and having people who you know will be there for you to chat or just to say hi, makes all the difference.

Everyone has some type of struggle through high school or the 'teen years' and having a group or just one person you know will stand by you through thick and thin, can make you feel so much more comfortable around school. If things go a bit pear shaped with your friends, there is always someone waiting to get to know you.

When you're making new friends, you don't need to impress anyone or change who you are. Being yourself is how you find the people who will be a real friend to you. If they are a person who will be beneficial in your life, they will accept and love you for the amazing person you are.

It is important to remember that friends come and go, as scary and sad it can seem it's just how our world works! People change and you never know what will happen. Don't let this scare you when you make new friends though, jump into the unknown and have a good time with good people. Also cherish the relationships you have now because memories are really the only things that will never leave you. At the end of the day, friends may come and go but the fun times you share can never be forgotten.

Finding new people to hang out with is a thing where it is totally up to you who you invest your own time and effort in. Be picky, it's your decision and that is to be respected. If you feel uncomfortable for any reason in a friendship, it is okay to ask someone you trust for help. It should not be a chore!

When you find your friends or make new ones, it is one of the best feelings knowing you've got buddies who you connect with and that you've let into your own little world.

I hope you have gained something from this and if you're looking for new friends, good luck and have fun!

Written by Eliza Hansen. 

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Maker Space - Prosthetic Hand Challenge

Hello Girls!
As you may already know, Maker Space has become a great success throughout the Middle School this term, and we would like to update you with some of the interesting activities in which they have conducted so far.

Recently, the Maker Space Team introduced the Prosthetic Hand Challenge, in which those involved competed in an interactive, stimulating and innovative environment, which was, of course, great fun!

As a reminder for all Middle School girls, Maker Space is a great opportunity to not only put kinesthetic learning and creativity to the test, but to thrive in social activities that develop communication, resourcefulness and inventiveness.

We hope that you will all be able to pay the Maker Space, which is located in the library, a visit over the coming weeks!

Thursday 10 August 2017

Brownie Recipe

Guess what! We have not one, but TWO amazing brownie recipes that will are an absolute treat!

Chocolate Brownie

This chocolate brownie recipe serves 10 people and tastes AMAZING


12cup vegetable oil

1cup sugar

1teaspoon vanilla

2large eggs

14teaspoon baking powder

13cup cocoa powder

14teaspoon salt

12cup flour


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Mix oil and sugar until well blended.
  3. Add eggs and vanilla; stir just until blended.
  4. Mix all dry ingredients in a separate bowl.
  5. Stir dry ingredients into the oil/sugar mixture.
  6. Pour into greased 9 x 9 square pan.
  7. Bake for 20 minutes or until sides just start to pull away from the pan.
  8. Cool completely before cutting.
  9. Note: I usually double the recipe and bake in a 9 x 13 pan. If you double the recipe, you will need to cook longer than 20 minutes.

For more recipes like this, go to  <>

Blondie (white chocolate brownie)


  • 1/2 cup (1 stick, 112 g) of butter, melted
  • 1 cup (220 g) of tightly packed dark brown sugar
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 cup (128 g)  of all-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup (60 g) of butterscotch chips (chopped walnuts and chocolate chips are equally tasty)


  1.  Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Lightly butter and flour an 8X8-inch  pan (20 cm x 20 cm). Whisk together the melted butter and sugar in a bowl.
  2.  Add the egg and vanilla extract and whisk.
  3.  Add the flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt, mix it all together. Add the butterscotch chips or other mix-ins.
  4.  Pour into the pan and spread evenly. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until a tester inserted into the centre comes out clean. Allow to cool. Cut into squares or rectangles and serve.

Written by Jessica Parcell.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Brisbane's Best Hidden Gems

If there is one thing I love to do in my spare time, it's SHOP. And Eat. And listen to music. And read. Well, I like a lot of things, but that's beside the point.

For me, one of the most exciting things about shopping is finding new and awesome places that may have been hiding right under your nose. I love those weekends and holidays discovering new cafes and browsing shops and fashion with my friends and family. So, I've made a list of some of my favourite hidden gems for you to discover too. There's something for everyone, so enjoy!

For the ice-cream lover: Lick! Ice cream, Graceville
If you can ever find a more creamy ice-cream, I would be very surprised. This little ice-creamery on Graceville road makes everything in store, fresh every day. My personal favourite flavours are the ginger-bread ice-cream and the (dairy-free!) cocoa sorbet. If you're not in the ice-cream mood, try their weird but very very good donut and waffle hybrid, doffles.

For the fashion lover: SWOP clothing exchange, West End
This is the absolute BEST vintage shop around, and the coolest. SWOP clothing exchange works by people bringing in their second-hand clothes, of which a very select few get put in the shop. The result? The coolest collection of strictly vintage-style pieces that can make any wardrobe 100000x better. Simply head in and browse around, or, if you want some extra cash, clear out your wardrobe and see if any of your old clothes take their interest. You can make some money, or earn store credit to spend in-store!

For the book lover: Archive books, Brisbane CBD
Stepping into Archive books is like stepping into another world. You can instantly smell that amazing old-book-smell and it's easy to get lost in the high wooden shelves full of millions of books. Archive is a great oasis from the city around it. I love curling up with a book written decades, sometimes centuries, ago in a corner of the store. Pure heaven.

For the café lover: The Three Monkeys, West End
The Three Monkeys takes homely food to a whole new level. Walk through the door to the front counter, and then look through the many rooms of the café to find your perfect table. My favourite way to do it is to walk all the way through to the gorgeous garden space full of hanging plants. Pair that with their hand-made apple pie and bowl-sized chai latte, and it's comfort food at its finest.

For the chocolate lover: Noosa Chocolatier, Brisbane CBD
Chocolate. Need I say more? This café and chocolatier only has the finest chocolate in every flavour imaginable. Grab a paper bag and fill it with as much of as many flavours as you want, and pay by the weight. Or, if you're feeling extra indulgent, get one of their signature hot chocolates. So go in, smell the amazing aroma, and pig out. Be prepared to wait in line though.

Honourable mentions:
- OneGirlStudio, Graceville: All my interior design dreams, fulfilled.
- Avid Reader, West End: This book shop has every book you could ever need or want. And it's also an awesome café.
- The Single Guys, Kenmore: Great music, aesthetically pleasing interior and the BEST food, this is a hipster café at their absolute finest.
- Bakery Lane, The Valley: A literally hidden lane with an amazing café, a vintage music shop, fashion boutiques, and brownies to die for.
- Aesop, Indooroopilly Shopping Centre and Brisbane CBD: This skin and haircare brand has stunningly styled shops and pamper-worthy products. Head in and dream about silky soft hair and smooth skin.
- Any thrift shop, anywhere: Thrift shops are the best place ever to find a bargain, and you're supporting a charity while you're at it. Prepare for some hard-core rummaging fun.

I hope I've inspired you to discover new places of your own! Happy shopping, and happy discovering!

Written by Piper Frederickson.