Monday 27 March 2017

Introductions to ourselves!

Hiii. My name is Rashmi or you can call me Sushi and yes, my nickname is named after a Japanese food . I was born here but both of my parents are Sri Lankan (GO LANKA!). I am a VERY low-key Buddhist.  I have black hair and super dark brown eyes (it reflects the darkness with my soul *dramatic pose*), I love to listen to music and I'm open to new genres even if it's heavy Metal (unless if it's Rap).  I love to read, even though it takes me a while. I LOVE TEA. And rice, curry and springrolls. I enjoy Maths, Science and I do both French and Japanese. I can speak Sinhalese and I know three words in Tamil (still counts as something right?). I love to watch Grey's Anatomy and Falling Skies. I'm very sociable so getting to know me will be easy. I hate tomatoes though unless if it's on pizza or any other foods. I LOVE FOOD and I dislike P.E. I hope everyone enjoys this year! All the best of luck, Sushi 😆

Hey everyone my name is Abbey Cook and I am in Chanel 4! I am probably the most awkward person you will ever meet! I am blonde, quite tall and I love anything to do with musical theatre! I love watching YouTube, hanging out with friends, eating cookies, singing and playing with my puppy. I love all the books in the 'Girl Online' series and my favourite subjects are Drama, Music and English! I consider myself a really fun and outgoing person and I really hope I can share my ideas and tips over the blog this year, with you! I am pretty excited to be part of the blog  and can't wait to get to know you guys! x

Hey Everyone! My name is Laura McKinnon and this year me, and a group of my buddies will be writing heaps of articles on the middle school blog. A little bit about me is that I love my best friends more than anything, I binge watch Netflix as soon as I find a new show and I listen to music all the time. We will all be writing about topics that we are passionate about so I hope you can find something that you like!

Hi my name is Eliza Hansen and I am in Damien 4 Year 9.

I'm a tall, dorky music lover and am obsessed with anything Netflix related. I'm a huge fan of dogs (especially my little cavoodle) and I really love the YouTube realm. I hope we can inspire you or just put a smile on your face with the blog this year. I'm pretty outgoing so I'd love to chat if you'd like to be pals, hope you find something you are passionate about in our blog!


Hello, My name is Jessica Parcell and I am in Mackillop 2 in Grade 9.
I love all things performing arts- singing, dancing and acting are my favourite things to do. I often become passionate in justice and mission topics as I feel empowered to make change. Another interest that I have is cooking, in particular baking- I LOVE IT! I hope to empower and inspire others, like the rest of this wonderful group with our blog!

Hi my name is Emily, and I am in Chanel . I enjoy anything sports related especially netball, water polo and athletics - javelin and discus. I love to cook and read. I am quite a quiet person to be around - but my friends would say otherwise. Look forward to hearing about what you think of the blog.

Hello! My name is Lily Nugent, I’m 14 years old and I am in grade 9. I LOOOVE to act, read and swim, and I’d like to say that I’m coordinated enough to play volleyball (nope). My favourite subjects include science, drama and French and I am in love with crime novels of all sorts. My favourite movie of all time has to be 10 things I hate about you – anyone can win me over with a good chick flick or rom-com. This year I have been asked to be a part of the Middle School Blog and to say the least – I’M SO EXCITED! I would love to cover social justice issues that occur within and out of our school and empower women of all ages; especially the girls within Brigidine College. You’ll usually see me cover varying topics from awesome books that you should read to more serious topics.  I am so excited for this year and I hope everyone has a great time reading our blog posts!


Hello Everyone!
My name is Lucy and I am in grade 9 in De Porres house. A little bit about myself, I am a reader and love to bake, my favourite movie has got to be ‘Love, Rosie’ and my favourite Tv show (although old) is Full House. Although a romance fan I enjoy anything from action to comedy. I also have a love for puppies (especially my own hehe). This year a lot of my friends and I have been asked to take part of the Middle school blog and I am so excited for the adventure and opportunities ahead.

Hey guys I'm Georgina, but you can call me George, and I'm a proud Delanien. I'm average height and have crazy short curly brown hair. I love reading, running and I'm a huge Harry Potter fan (I've read it 14 times!). One thing I hate above all others is when people call me Georgia (please don’t!). I'm pretty quiet when you first meet me, but once you get to know me I'm quite the opposite😉. I hope you enjoy the middle school blog and I hope it helps you get through this year with all its helpful tips and tricks. I if you guys have any suggestions having to do with the blog please sent us a DM or come to one of our meetings. And overall I hope you have a great year!. X   

Hey my name is Priya , I am in Foley 6. I'm clumsy and Awkward. I was born in Melbourne, but my parents are from South Africa. I have black hair and brown eyes. I love performing, both dance and drama. In my spare time, I enjoy  drawing, listening to music and watching T.V. , but I love to read. I also enjoy sports and getting active. I hope this blog helps with getting through this year. Good Luck!  

Hey Everyone!
My name is Skye Nugent and I am year 9 student in Foley (the best house). I am so excited to share some amazing ideas with you all and I hope that you are able to appreciate the work that will be put into this blog; we are all new to this process, so we'll have to ask you to be patient and bear with us! I am an enormous bookworm and I LOVE to write, whether it's creative stories, blogs or about something that moves me, I am always someone to have a pen and notebook in my hand :) My favourite books are The Book Thief and If This is A Woman, or anything historically based, which proceeds onto my love of English and Social Science; I am extremely passionate about finding out about the past and how it affects our future. Throughout this blog, I will hopefully be writing about the social aspects of our community and how we are influenced by the behaviour of others; I think that it is REALLY important that we shape ourselves to be the best people we can be. I want Brigidine College to become a comfortable space for empowerment, respect and love, and by showing strength from every girl in our school, I am confident that we will be able to achieve this as the year progresses. I am so enthusiastic about showcasing the power and impact of women, and by having an opportunity such as the Middle School Blog to share this eagerness, we will be able to spread this message easily throughout Brigidine. I am looking forward to where this year takes every single one of us! 

As you can see, there are a lot of year 9 girls who are very passionate about the Middle School Blog and what potential it holds! We are very excited to share this year's experiences with you through the blog! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great start to your blogging, girls. Love seeing Foley 3 represented, Rashmi. If you haven't already, be sure to check this website out as it's made for young writers like you:

    Keep it up!
    Ms Kapernick

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great introductions ladies - I feel like I know you all better already :) Looking forward to reading some more of your blogs and seeing what you get up to!

    Miss Metzeling

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i really enjoyed it very much i love reading all the time

  7. Thanks for those awesome introductions girls! Nice to see some Chanelians there too! Such a wide range of interests represented. Lucy, Full House is a classic - I'm with you there:)
