Monday 7 March 2016

My Fitness Routine

So, this post is about my fitness routine. I work out at a gym 5 days a week for half an hour and almost every night at home. I have always enjoyed being strong and fit but I haven't been running fit since grade 3, I am not kidding, so this year I have decided to make myself running fit as well as swimming fit and this is how I do it:

DISCLAIMER: This routine matches my fitness so if you decide to do it, you may need to modify it.

Monday Morning (5:30 am):
I do a half an hour run/walk. This week I will be running for 8 min cooling down for 2 (3 times) and each week I increase this by a minute, so next week I'll be running for 9 and cooling down for 1. Make sure you stretch before this to avoid any nasty cramps.

Monday Night:
I dance for 30 minutes to an hour in my room. I have always enjoyed dancing and I find this is a great way to go to bed easier because you should be exhausted. To do this exercise I put in earphones and put on a pop playlist on Spotify and work my butt off.

Tuesday Morning (5:30 am):
Basic neck, shoulders, ankle warm up x3 minutes 
Leg and knee stretches x2 minutes
Cardio to get my heart rate up (high knees and butt flicks)
Then I start ab workout: 
10 leg jumps

30 sit ups
30 Russian crunches

30 ballet twists 

20 leg taps 

(side to side)

10 dolphin sit ups 
(Start flat then roll your neck and back until you reach your toes then go up and use your stomach muscles to hold yourself up then go forward again then back down to the ground.
Shake out
Knee twists

Back to leg taps
15 leg jumps
10 min run at 9km/hr

Tuesday Night:
Dancing Again

Wednesday Night (6:30pm):
Mat Pilates. This is great for muscular strength and endurance.

Rest day from gym but dancing at night.

Friday Morning:
I do a half an hour run/walk. This week I will be running for 8 min cooling down for 2 (3 times) and each week I increase this by a minute, so next week I'll be running for 9 and cooling down for 1. Make sure you stretch before this to avoid any nasty cramps.

Friday Night:
Dancing again

Basic neck, shoulders, ankle warm up x3 minutes 
Leg and knee stretches x2 minutes
Cardio to get my heart rate up (high knees and butt flicks)
Then I start ab workout: 
10 leg jumps
30 sit ups
30 Russian crunches
30 ballet twists 
20 leg taps 
10 dolphin sit ups 
Shake out
Knee twists 
Back to leg twists
15 leg jumps
10 min run at 9km/hr

 + dancing at night

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