Monday 7 March 2016

D.I.Y: "The Best Chocolate Cookie Recipe!"

So, since I watch a lot of YouTube I came across Zoella making Tanya Burr's cookie recipe. Here's the link to the original blog post:

To make 10 (rather large) cookies you will need:
200g butter
300g caster sugar
1 large egg
275g self-raising flour
75g cocoa powder
a little dash of milk
a large bar of milk chocolate (Cadburys is my fave)
a large bar of white chocolate
a large bar of dark chocolate (this is totally optional – only add if you are a dark choice fan. Sometimes I add Daim bars instead of dark choc for a yummy toffee crunch!)
Pop your oven on to 200 degrees celsius
Cream together your butter and sugar
Crack in your egg
Stir in all the dry ingredients
Add a dash of milk if your mixture is looking dry
Break up all of your chocolate and throw it in, using your hands to get it into the dough
Line 2 trays with baking paper (the cookies will spread in the oven so don’t place them close together)
Pick up a 10 small handfuls of cookie dough and place them onto your trays
Pop them into the oven for 11 minutes – I have found this to be the perfect baking time. When you get them out they will not look cooked, it is vital you know this, as it will be very tempting to leave them in for longer and then they’ll be hard and overcooked once they are cool. Just take your cookies out after 11 minutes and leave them to cool for about 30 minutes.

So I hope you enjoy these cookies! They are great for school lunches and snacks. But all credit to Tanya Burr! 

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