Monday 20 August 2018

Tips and Tricks for Staying Organised

During high school, it is not unusual to feel as if you have mountains of homework and assessment to do, but don't worry! This article will provide you with a few tips on how to make the best of your time so that these tasks get completed on time, as well as a few tricks on general organisation, to help make schoolwork a bit more manageable.

1: Set a specific time to do homework/assessments
One of the major problems when trying to get homework or assessments finished is procrastination - I am one of the many people guilty of putting off schoolwork! This is why I find it useful to set a specific time to do my homework. The time that you start your homework will be unique to you, depending on your outside-of-school activities, but I always aim to start my homework in the afternoon if possible (usually 4/5pm). Also, if you start your homework earlier, you will be able to get to sleep earlier and avoid being too tired the next day!

2: Break down large tasks into smaller ones
Sometimes, the reason for putting off a large homework task or assignment is not knowing where to start, but you will find that by breaking down a task into smaller parts, it will become more manageable. Try splitting a writing assignment into sections or paragraphs (introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion), and aim to write each section by a certain time or date. For smaller homework tasks, like maths questions, aim to complete a certain number of questions by a specific time, and finish the rest by another time or date before they are due.

3: Set your own rules and deadlines for completing tasks
Never leave finishing a large task until the night before it is due! Instead, set yourself basic deadlines as to when you want to have different pieces of assessment/homework done - for example, you could try to have your assignments completed two days before they are due. Your school planner is a great way to enforce this! It is an easy, obvious way to record (and highlight/colour!) when different tasks need to be done by. Alternatively, you could make yourself or buy a small calendar for the same purpose. By completing homework and assessment with time to spare, your stress will be reduced and you will have extra time for other tasks and activities.

4: Do schoolwork somewhere that's not cluttered or distracting
The key to getting schoolwork done quickly is doing it without distractions! You are likely to take way less time doing homework at a desk in a decluttered place than on the couch in front of the TV - trust me, I would know! Having said this, listening to music or other background noise can also be helpful in staying focussed and relaxed when doing homework. If you're still getting distracted though, try using apps which are specifically designed to keep you focussed while doing schoolwork, such as 'KeepMeOut', among others!

5: Leave yourself time to relax
In order to make the most out of the time you're doing your homework, you should always take breaks in between tasks. I tend to do homework for one to three subjects at a time (depending on how long they take), then I will take a short break (anywhere between ten and thirty minutes) before finishing any other schoolwork I have to do. This way, I am more focussed and clear-minded when doing my schoolwork, making it easier and quicker to do!

Written by Ashleigh Gordon

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